18909352528 发表于 2021-2-6 12:47:45

vivo   y81s

5623zxc 发表于 2021-2-6 19:23:44


malongwu 发表于 2021-2-7 00:35:47


gjg6644 发表于 2021-2-7 12:27:41


LeonardBudge 发表于 2021-2-7 12:49:35

Can Dog Affairs have Corona Virus

ó ·±í 2018-11-29 12:48

It is a newly discovered virus that gets transmitted from person to person when they get in contact with each other. The virus particles have spikes (corona) like structure on its surface so it is called coronavirus. It attacks the vulnerable section of the society such as the elderly and people with less immunity. Recently W.H.O has declared it as a global pandemic. Since it has become a global issue and everyone is bothered about himself and his near-dear ones. So it is very obvious, for them to think about their pets. That’s why all the pet owners are asking this question. Can dogs have Coronavirus (Covid-19)?

goodbbb2 发表于 2021-2-7 23:36:47


goodbbb2 发表于 2021-2-7 23:37:07


zhangxai 发表于 2021-2-8 13:32:20


1598996182 发表于 2021-2-9 18:31:02

谢谢 下载试试看

1878549392 发表于 2021-2-10 09:13:29

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