Alternative to gas boilers.
q5247198 ±нУЪ 2019-4-4 21:49qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
Hydrodynamic heat generator "Typhoon" are independent thermal aggregates with a capability to set operational mode.
Service life is not less than 15 years, with service replacement of stuffing boxes and bearings during operation of the generator.
Ultra low expenses for heating in comparison with other technologies producing thermal energy necessary for premises heating;
In producing hot water, the generator does not have competitors, even cheap natural gas technologies (gas boilers) concede it in productivity.
You can buy a Hydrodynamic heat generator "Typhoon" on the website 自己的vivou1锁屏密码忘记了试一下能不能解锁 999999999手机 1111111111111111111 qqaqqqqqqqq 我需要刷机 谢谢楼主分享 感谢大神